I have a 55 gal tank with 1 roseline shark, 5 diamond tetras, and a gold gourami. I added 2 cories about 3 weeks ago. I do a 50% water change about every 3 weeks (i had just done one the day before adding the cories). I think my fish have velvet disease as 3 of my diamond tetras are dead as well as my shark and the remaining all look rusty and filmy, and are acting crazy. I am sure I have been over feeding as i have been worried about the cories not eating (i know better, so i have no excuse)
I'm thinking they may be too far gone to medicate but I am not sure. I am going to the pet store as soon as it opens today but I don't even know if they will last that long. ANY suggestions are appreciated
I'm thinking they may be too far gone to medicate but I am not sure. I am going to the pet store as soon as it opens today but I don't even know if they will last that long. ANY suggestions are appreciated