No comments to my simiar posting in Corydora sub-forum (so feel free to delete that thread)
He/she seems happy enough. Is just as active, and eats as much, as the other corys.
Has a smooth white wart like bump on belly.
Smooth white growth on both anal fins. The anal fins don't appear to be spread out fully, but are not clamped against fish body.
Front-on. Can see 'wart' below the vertical barbel, and bulges on the (out of focus) anal fins.
'Wart' and slight white bulge on lower side of his right anal fin
He/she seems happy enough. Is just as active, and eats as much, as the other corys.
Has a smooth white wart like bump on belly.
Smooth white growth on both anal fins. The anal fins don't appear to be spread out fully, but are not clamped against fish body.
Front-on. Can see 'wart' below the vertical barbel, and bulges on the (out of focus) anal fins.
'Wart' and slight white bulge on lower side of his right anal fin