changed a couple of the plants around as the flow was causing some problems and also got more stock this weekend
currently stocked:
2 feather fin catfish
4 bristle nose plecs
6 panda corys
11 red eye tetra
7 glowlight tetra
7 flame tetra
2 golden gouramis (which im having trouble sexing...) as cant find good info of the difference between the two sexes are
2 sail fin mollies (1f 1m)
7 saimese flying fox (by far my favorite)
loving some of the plants i have although unknown what they are 1 in the centre (red) has 4 flowers that open and shut on some days then 1 to the left (bushy red) has grown so much in the little time i have had it
currently stocked:
2 feather fin catfish
4 bristle nose plecs
6 panda corys
11 red eye tetra
7 glowlight tetra
7 flame tetra
2 golden gouramis (which im having trouble sexing...) as cant find good info of the difference between the two sexes are
2 sail fin mollies (1f 1m)
7 saimese flying fox (by far my favorite)
loving some of the plants i have although unknown what they are 1 in the centre (red) has 4 flowers that open and shut on some days then 1 to the left (bushy red) has grown so much in the little time i have had it