Ok, so here I go again unfortunately.
I have this 30G tank running for a year and a half with river gravel substrate. Everything was going perfect, 0 algae, plants green and growing, etc.. I don't really fertilise it with anything, but have dropped on rare occassion some micro ferts(Easylife) About a month ago I decided to change to soil/sand combo to make the corys happy.
I put JBL Aquabasis Plus soil on the bottom and capped with JBL sansibar black sand. I poured back the tank water from the containers, put the plants and fish in and that's about it.
Well, plants are going downhill in the tank since. Why? If it's lacking something why is the a substrate that is supposed to be better for plants than the gravel causing it?
I've got hydrophila clarymbosa, amazon swords and anubias mainly. The hydrophila in every tank has been growing like weed even when I had major defficiency issues and algae in another tank, and my other 2 tanks are also getting overrun with it. Never seen this in a year time since I first bought this plant.
Not sure what is going on? All the new growth is wrong, holes, twisted growth and then leaves just fall off. Here are a couple of pictures:
I have this 30G tank running for a year and a half with river gravel substrate. Everything was going perfect, 0 algae, plants green and growing, etc.. I don't really fertilise it with anything, but have dropped on rare occassion some micro ferts(Easylife) About a month ago I decided to change to soil/sand combo to make the corys happy.
I put JBL Aquabasis Plus soil on the bottom and capped with JBL sansibar black sand. I poured back the tank water from the containers, put the plants and fish in and that's about it.
Well, plants are going downhill in the tank since. Why? If it's lacking something why is the a substrate that is supposed to be better for plants than the gravel causing it?
I've got hydrophila clarymbosa, amazon swords and anubias mainly. The hydrophila in every tank has been growing like weed even when I had major defficiency issues and algae in another tank, and my other 2 tanks are also getting overrun with it. Never seen this in a year time since I first bought this plant.
Not sure what is going on? All the new growth is wrong, holes, twisted growth and then leaves just fall off. Here are a couple of pictures: