Neon Tetra's Ailing


New Member
Apr 23, 2004
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:-( Help!
Two Of my Neon Tetra's have red part fading near the tail. They also look a little swollen in the same area and seem to be off their feed. One's tail is a little shredded looking. I've moved them from 10 gal tank to 2.5 gal hospital tank and started treating with Maracyn and melafix. The other two look fine in 10 gal , they are the only fish in there, but I am also dosing them with maracyn and melafix just in case. Just did a partial water change and all readings are normal. Has any one heard of this? Could it be Neon Tetra disease and if so is it treatable? :/
Just checked them again and are as follows:

Ammonia 0

This has been the norm for this tank for the last year. When I bought the 4 neon's about 5 mos ago one had a nip in his tail but seemed fine. It then got bigger so I treated with Melafix and it got better-actually grew back. What do ya think? :huh:
I'm pretty sure that the fading is a symptom of Neon Tetra Disease (NTD). Gimme a few minutes, i'll hunt up a link and some info.

It sounds like Neon Tetra Disease to me, which is untreatable I'm affraid. Its also contagious and will affect any other Neons that you put in the tank. The tank will have to be emptied and fully cleaned to get rid of it. Otherwise any other Neons that you put in the tank will go the same way. If you are going to strip down the tank use cooking salt or sea salt to clean it with.
Your other fish won't be affected.
All the water parameters are ok. If there was a problem with the water all the fish would be showing signs of ill health. :sad:
I was afraid of that! Well do I let the two sick ones live out their days in the hospital tank or euthanize them? I guess I should give the 10 gal tank a thorough cleaning and hope for the best with the other two. Since there is a slight chance it could be gram negative bacteria maybe I should try the Maracyn Two. Thanks for all the advice and pray for a miracle! :/
Just an update and maybe it's wishful thinking but the two sick neons are more energetic and are looking less swollen around their tails. I even think they are a bit redder now! Keep good thoughts going for them! :thumbs:
Good News! The Tetras are eating again and looking much better! Still dosing with Maracyn Two now-on third day of that. Things are looking up! Keep the good thoughts going! :hyper:

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