Noticed yesterday that my blue dwarf gourami had a very small hole in his tail, thought that maybe he had been in a bit of a fight. He has been eating fine and just went to feed them tonight and noticed
1) hole in tail slightly bigger, now with a white film around it (thinking finrot)
2) has a bulge/sore on his top and lower lip and another bulge/sore also on his body.
As i mentioned above he is eating and these problems have developed in less than 24 hrs. I lost 3 other gouramis (they also had similar sores appear, 2 died with extended bellies and the other had dropsy), they were treated with ESHA 2000, which didn't seem to work - i'm thinking that this last one is going the same way.
Would a salt bath be any good? I have just taken out a carbon pad from the filter to clear out the other medication that i had used. I am worried about what all this medication is doing to the tank.