First off your 10 gallon is over stocked so you definitely do not need to add him to that tank. If your other tank (with the black skirts, clown pleco, and gouramani) is under 20 gallons then you are over stocked with that tank as well. Another problem I see is that the fish you have need schools of more fish than you have them in. (danios, neons, and black skirts all need at least 6 of the same species). Gourmanis and bettas do not make good take mates since they are both aggressive fish that inhabit the same space in the water column. Black skirt tetras are a nippy species and have big flowy fins so they are not a good tankmate for bettas either.
Your betta can be ok in the 1 gallon until you are able to get something of at least 2.5 gallons for him as long as you do a couple things. You will need to do daily water changes of 100% to keep the water very clean. You need a heater to keep the water at a stable temperature of at the least 78F. While your male might be calm by himself, you can not be sure what he will do with other fish. He could decide to be aggressive or he could stress himself to death.