Parents are doing a grand job guarding the eggs as they are still there today. i am hoping the eggs hatch in the main tank and i can remove the fry once they are free swimming, thats the plan anyway.
The fry are wrigging away chuffed they have kept them this long, trouble is they have moved them into a pit right under a flat piece of bogwood, I can just see them but have no way of reaching them to syphon them out I am sure the parents moved them as I was setting up the fry tank lol!!!. They are so tiny I can see them getting wafted away if I try and lift the wood.
Goat the other tanks mates are 3 male Dorsigera, pair keyholes(non breeding atm), pair apistogramma baenchii that have sucessfully spawned and raised young in the tank. My biggest problem is the bagrid cats they ate 2 of my rummy nose (now moved) but they do tend to leave fry alone? I will hopefully be able to remove some at some point!
After monitoring the whole tank I have decided to keep the fry with the parents for as long as possible (better for the fry in the end) the tank is nice and calm the parents have one end of the tank, the other fish seem relaxed at the other end of the tank. The tank is due a wc on Tuesday so I may move the fry then.
Not great pics as they are at the back of the tank and so tiny!! I am much more use to larger cichlid fry, these are so small!!
Talk about speaking too soon lol, not long after I posted the parents decided to move the fry out in the open, and one of the bagrid cats was looking to have a snack, both parents went black and stressed so I quickly put up the fry tank and syphoned up as many fry as I could leaving around 10-15 with the parents, those I caught are looking well