I've been doing research for the last 2-3 months but im stuck. With what for fish to get.
Please tell me witch option you would choice and why please.
This aquarium will be a 200L
Thank you again for reading and answering.
Option 1
1.1 apistogramma Pertensis ore Panduro
15 x Nematobrycon Palmeri
5 x Otocinclus
Option 2
1 .1 Ctenopoma Ansorgii
10 x Epiplatys Annulatus
5 x Otocinclus
Option 3
x a few Dario Dario
Does this work with the Dario Dario ???Trichopsis pumila
5 x otocinclus
Option 4
1.2 Badis sp 'Buxar'
15 x Rasbora Pauciperforata our Oryzias Woworae
5 x Otocinclus
Option 5
Optie 5
1.1 Apistogramma Pertensis of Panduro
15 x Moenkhausia Pittieri
5 x Otocinclus
I've been doing research for the last 2-3 months but im stuck. With what for fish to get.
Please tell me witch option you would choice and why please.
This aquarium will be a 200L
Thank you again for reading and answering.
Option 1
1.1 apistogramma Pertensis ore Panduro
15 x Nematobrycon Palmeri
5 x Otocinclus
Option 2
1 .1 Ctenopoma Ansorgii
10 x Epiplatys Annulatus
5 x Otocinclus
Option 3
x a few Dario Dario
Does this work with the Dario Dario ???Trichopsis pumila
5 x otocinclus
Option 4
1.2 Badis sp 'Buxar'
15 x Rasbora Pauciperforata our Oryzias Woworae
5 x Otocinclus
Option 5
Optie 5
1.1 Apistogramma Pertensis of Panduro
15 x Moenkhausia Pittieri
5 x Otocinclus