My 7" Hoplias malabaricus has been off his food for about a week now. Prior to that (3-4 weeks), he was off and on every few days, and my worry has been growing ever since. Up to about a month ago, he was eating everything I threw at him (blood worms, brine shrimp, tubifex worms, fresh shrimp, etc). He has always been an extremely healthy fish with no issues at all up until now. Nothing has changed at all in the time I have had him aside from some bolbitus and java ferns (Raised him from 2.5"). He absolutely refuses to take anything that I offer him, and even swims away from it and hides when I do. I've tried leaving food in for an hour or so, right in front of him, and he's still not interested.
Anyone have any ideas, or is this normal behavior for this species?
Water parameters and tank:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 5
Temp: 23 C
90 Gallon Standard
2 110 Aquaclear HOB Filters
25% water changes weekly
Anyone have any ideas, or is this normal behavior for this species?
Water parameters and tank:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 5
Temp: 23 C
90 Gallon Standard
2 110 Aquaclear HOB Filters
25% water changes weekly