Don't use color to ID a snail! Once you're in the right shell shape territory you can use it to narrow in on a species by ruling things out, but color is very variable in a lot of these guys and there are bajilliions of snails with very similar patterns.
I am rather doubtful that this one is in Heliacus. But, it's always better to check how many teeth the donkey has than just talk about it. Grab one out and look at the operculum. If it's got a pointy cone for a trap door, you may well have a Heliacus. It's a very obvious feature on them. If the operculum is flat or like a pebble (which may mean you don't see it at all if the animal pulls way back) then Heliacus is ruled out.
Lacking operculum info, it still looks like something in the Collonista genus or related genera to me, but the size is on the large side, although I just ran across heaps of other pics of awfully large-looking things (relatively speaking) IDed as Collonista, specifically C. amakusaensis. Clearly they're all Turbinids, but I'm not sure on the specifics as the size reports for that species are rather conflicting saying 3-4mm, whereas the pics being readily given that ID are clearly of larger animals closer to the size of this one. I'll have to see if I can find a more reliable size quote or more reliable ID on those grazers.