My green tetra has been swimming on his side for a few days. At first he would just tilt a little bit to the side, but now has progressed to him swimming completely sideways and constantly circling. I spoke to a reputable pet shop and they had no idea what was wrong since he has no outward signs of disease. I immediately tried peas in case of swim bladder, which didn't help at all. I feel awful. This circling and sideways swimming has been going on for over a week and getting worse. If anyone has an idea of what this could be or any suggestions, it would be greatly appreaciated. He is in a 30 gallon tank with another green tetra, two X-ray catfish, 2 plattys, and 2 snails. I checked the water at home and all was perfect. I also brought a sample of water to the pet store to make sure and the ph, ammonia, and nitrates were all fine. Thanks.