Getting Rid Of Discus Parasite


Fish Crazy
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
Maryland- Washington DC area
So today I bought my first 2 Discus. 1 Snakeskin and 1 Red Marlboro. I plan to add 4 more. I was told on this site to get rid of the Internal Parasite they are breed with as soon as I get them.
I ask an employee at the fish store about the Parasite and he said don't worry.
2 minutes later I see a costumer look at the Discus. I ask do you keep Discus? He said I have a 260 gallon tank. I keepted Discus but, after 4 months they stopped eating and died. I immediately thought of this website. So help me again and tell me what to do.
There are medicated food wormers for fish, unfortunately I don't know off the top of my head what will be available to you.
Just did some quick searches through previous posts on the forum and found these that might help you.

And a previous post from MOD Wilder
Sera Nematol.

A sensational R & D success: sera med Professional Nematol is the first ornamental fish treatment against Nematodes that may be sold freely. It is based on a patented Emamectin/solvent complex, highly effective and easy to dose. sera med Professional Nematol is particularly effective against Camallanus and round worms of the genus Capillaria, which mainly occur in angelfish and [background=rgb(255, 255, 0)]discus[/background]. It can also be optimally used against pinworms (Oxyurida), dreaded by [background=rgb(255, 255, 0)]discus[/background] keepers. At the same time it combats the small copepods that Camallanus uses as intermediate hosts. Result: A well tolerated and highly effective ornamental fish treatment that can be sold freely is now available for the first time! It is a liquid and therefore can be dosed easily and precisely.
I found a website that sold a complete parasite cleanup package for $35 US dollars. I don't know if I'm allowed to say the website name.

50 grams Metronidazole: treats internal flagellates
50 gram Dewormer: to get rid of eggs
1 ounce of Prazipro: kills Gill flukes and external Parasites.
No carbon, will suck up the "toxin" always remove carbon when treating fish with any medication.

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