ya rolln i got him over seas in indoneisa, i dont think im gunna b ripped off all the feed back from others who bought fish from her said they looked great so i hope mine dose to
Here are sum pics of mu setup: ( so far )
Heres the tank, the black thing down the middle is a divider, on the bigger side ill b keeping a female community, probably just 3 and on the small end will be my new boy
the water in there now is being treated for his arriveal and iv got suran wrap on top so dust doesn't get in because iv still gotta buy a hood.
and heres wat my new fishhy will be eating, brine shrimps, iv also got betta bites but i dont think iv ever had a betta who liked them
im probably gunna be adding sum nice plants and stuff in there to, iv still gotta buy stuff like a lil filter and hood so maybe ill c sum in the lfs
and heres my guupy tank, hopfully if all gos well my betta tank will look simular
wish me luck guys