I had a dwarf gourami in my 35 gallon, but my aunt decided she really loves serpae tetras and went ahead and bought them. Well....they kinda grew on me too now. But they really dislike my dwarf gourami. I have 2 others in there but he is the most timid of the 3 and the other 2 are not bothered by these little piranhas. Well now his fins are in tatters, and the only other place I can rehome him for now is in my heavily planted 10 gallon tank with a blue ram and some rummynose tetras. Will this work for now? I can later rehome him with some guppies but I need to buy a new heater and filter for that tank and it'll take a little while. Also, I do want my guppies to reproduce as I want a steady source of live food for my cichlids. If the DG is in there, will the guppy fry stand a chance?