So yesterday evening one of my trilineatus cory's snuffed it...
Over the last two years i've kept those fish in a well established, well planted tank with Neons and otto's.
neons have tetra disease (boooh!) and the otto's are fat and healthy.
I've bought 5 tris 2 years ago. 3 snuffed it in the months afterwards.
THen i got the two survivors 4 new friends. Again those four snuffed it in the next months.
2 months ago i bought them 4 new playmates. Guess what. Two died a few days after transport, and one snuffed it just yesterday.
I saw it swimming happily across my tank, went to watch some tv and when i came back a few hours later it was lying on it's side barely 'breathing'...
Water values are all right. I use RO water mixed with tap water (4-1) to get soft water and use a little black water extract to get that nice amazone feel.
I feed them the normal granular food, some wafers for the otto's and live food every week (or more) (artemia, blackworm, bloodworm, mosquito larvae, etc...)
Does anyone have some clues as to why my established corys seem to snuff it for no apparent reason and only the two old ones survive?
Over the last two years i've kept those fish in a well established, well planted tank with Neons and otto's.
neons have tetra disease (boooh!) and the otto's are fat and healthy.
I've bought 5 tris 2 years ago. 3 snuffed it in the months afterwards.
THen i got the two survivors 4 new friends. Again those four snuffed it in the next months.
2 months ago i bought them 4 new playmates. Guess what. Two died a few days after transport, and one snuffed it just yesterday.
I saw it swimming happily across my tank, went to watch some tv and when i came back a few hours later it was lying on it's side barely 'breathing'...
Water values are all right. I use RO water mixed with tap water (4-1) to get soft water and use a little black water extract to get that nice amazone feel.
I feed them the normal granular food, some wafers for the otto's and live food every week (or more) (artemia, blackworm, bloodworm, mosquito larvae, etc...)
Does anyone have some clues as to why my established corys seem to snuff it for no apparent reason and only the two old ones survive?