Fish Crazy
I know what you're thinking; I'm not trying anything illegal here
My parents got a sailfin pleco, and since they didn't know how to care for it put it in with my two ryukin goldfish. It's a 55 gallon so I know I can keep the goldfish, but the pleco has certainly outgrown the tank. My local zoo has an exhibit that accepts uncared for plecos, do you think he'd make it? I know this is silly, but I can't help but think he's too tame to make it in a zoo tank.
My parents got a sailfin pleco, and since they didn't know how to care for it put it in with my two ryukin goldfish. It's a 55 gallon so I know I can keep the goldfish, but the pleco has certainly outgrown the tank. My local zoo has an exhibit that accepts uncared for plecos, do you think he'd make it? I know this is silly, but I can't help but think he's too tame to make it in a zoo tank.