Finally set up my 25 gallon tank after mooonths. I've got a guppy, two platies, 5 tetras and a bad ass albino bushynose pleco. When I first brought the fish home, I of course had ich for a few days, but I treated it with quick cure, got my water perfect and it went away. Month later, my water tests fine, except for nitrites. I've done two gravel sweeps this week to get rid of the excess poop and whatever ich particles may be left in there. However, it's just been ich after ich after ich ever since I started this tank up... I've never had this much trouble just trying to sustain a healthy tank. Ever. Seriously, I've gone through a 1/4 bottle of Quick Cure. It's always been an easy, fun hobby. Now I'm getting to the point where I don't even want to bother with a tank until I move to a different side of town with better water. Help me? I think they're getting it because they're stressed due to the nitrites, but I don't even know what to do at this point. The temp is 76-80. I live in Arizona so water hardness is inevitable if that could be an issue. Any suggestions, throw them my way please! My fishies appreciate it.