I was away for 9 days so I got my boyfriend to take care of my fish and frogs, all he had to do was feed the fish once a day and give the frogs 3 bloodworms each every two days. He found it easier to just throw a bunch of bloodworms in there and let them sit in there to rot. Needless to say the ammonia went up and I can home to 2 dead pygmy cories. I'll be moving the cories and my otos to my 30 gallon. But the frogs can't go in there because it has no lid. I have a 120 gallon tank I can put them in but it's 24" tall, and I know they shouldn't be in a tank with a depth higher then 12" because they need to go un for air once in a while. The ammonia is past living point so I can't keep them in there, they need to be moved. Do you think the frogs would be ok in my 2 foot tall tank?
Please answer quickly.
Please answer quickly.