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December FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. jasonh_000

    Betta Sits On Leaf Or Bottom Of The Tank

    Never feed your betta peas. i wish people would stop telling people with sick animals to feed peas.   one thing i've been using is tetra lifeguard and use some maracyn II ...
  2. jasonh_000

    What To Feed Betta When Live Food Is Unavailable

      YES, i read the thread. that's not what i gathered from it.  where's the conclusive results?  he seemed confused about what was the issue. i saw the before pictures and that fish didn't have velvet.  perhaps the fish was ill and it fought it off, or it was just depressed. one thing i noticed...
  3. jasonh_000

    What To Feed Betta When Live Food Is Unavailable

    do NOT medicate your fish if you do not know if he has an illness or what the illness is.   if you want to add a bit of salt to the water, you can use kosher salt or seasalt with no iodine.  dont use much and dont add it all the time.  it builds up. salt isnt a wonder cure.   the best thing to...
  4. jasonh_000

    Anyone Used Hydrogen Peroxide Before?

      peroxide just fizzes.   i've done a complete tank clean with bleach. this involves moving everything out.  then i rinse off my plants in the bleach water. then i boil my substrate. i've noticed that API fungal treatment kills some types of algae completely. that's a pain though cause it dyes...
  5. jasonh_000

    Are Water Changes Always Stressful?

    I use a biorb siphon to empy my tank's water into a 5 gallon bucket. i have multiple tanks. i always only empty water into one specific bucket and i reintroduce new water using different 5 gallon buckets. this seems to stop snails, disease, germs, etc from spreading.   some of my fish hate water...
  6. jasonh_000

    Betta With Dropsy

    epsom salt doesnt work. neither does peas. i wish people would stop suggesting that people feed their bettas peas.   the best thing you can do is to put him out of his pain. get some clove oil from amazon and use it to euthanize him in a small cup of water with clove oil. it's very fast.
  7. jasonh_000

    Appropriate Betta Tankmates In 10 Gallon

    betta do not like tank mates. you could try some shrimp but make sure there's plenty of hiding places and your tank should be a bit 'long' instead of a high 10gal
  8. jasonh_000

    Brown Algae- It Wont Go Away

    algae likes light.  you are providing too much light and too many nutrients to your water. that is why you have algae.   you can try to get some live plants and they will decrease the amount of algae, possibly. but you have basically created a great environment for algae and that is why you have it.
  9. jasonh_000

    Carbon Water Filter

    don't do that. get dechlorinator. carbon doesnt last for long anyways.   you can use prime if you are trying to save money. a little goes a looong way
  10. jasonh_000

    Help Identifying Algae And Removal Tips?

    your algae is going nuts because you have a lot of nutrients in the water from overfeeding your fish. also you are giving the tank a lot of lights. one thing i noticed is API antifungal meds can kill algae sometimes, yet still leave plants alive.   i dont know if those plants you have in your...
  11. jasonh_000

    Rescued Gouramis // Tank Size

      well, i live in an apartment building and there are restrictions on the size of the fishtank you can get.   this 10gal is long, and it is planted.   he doesnt show signs of being stressed out.  it sounds funny but i have my netbook there with youtube aquarium vids playing on a loop.  maybe i...
  12. jasonh_000

    How To Fill Gap On Top Of Tank

        ah, well, i've done it before and had no issues.   what do you consider dangerous about my recommendation when you are recommending a sharp instrument?  whats wrong with cutting through plastic by melting and then trimming off the flash?  I've done it various times in my electronics career...
  13. jasonh_000

    Heater Failure! During Winter Oh No!

      i'd go with one of these i personally had problems with aqueon heaters. for me they were taking in water/condensation.  (which sucks...
  14. jasonh_000

    Coconut Caves

    i boil everything i put into my tanks. i also put it some sea salt in the water.   if if after boiling, it doesnt smell right [chemical smell or whatever], i toss it.   your tank looks great, btw. i have the same type of plant on the far right.  mine grow like weeds, though.
  15. jasonh_000

    How To Fill Gap On Top Of Tank

      i'm not saying he should cut the ENTIRE sheet of plexiglass in this manner; the hardware store would use a saw.   regarding it being safe, i didnt hurt myself and i can think of more dangerous things to do.  and the sections i cut out are straight lines and look professional. i marked them...
  16. jasonh_000

    How To Fill Gap On Top Of Tank

    measure it accurately and go to your local hardware store.  they will be able to cut you plexiglass to fit this void. you might even want to have it go across your entire top [but fit inside the inner ridges] and then set your hood on it.   you can set a screwdriver on the stove until it gets...
  17. jasonh_000

    Beginner Lighting Question And General Setup

      you have to get the same bulb model as what your hoodlight requires.  you cant just screw a house lightbulb into it. one thing i noticed is if you go into the lighting section of your retail store you might find something very comparable to an expensive hoodlight for half the price.   i did...
  18. jasonh_000

    Methods To Euthanize Fish   you get a small ziploc container with the tank water. you put 4 drops in there and swish it around. you drop the fish in and it either loses consiousness or dies pretty...
  19. jasonh_000

    Are Backgrounds Needed ?

    i prefer to put a blue led light behind the tank. i think it gives a cool effect at night.
  20. jasonh_000

    My Empty Tank Just Cracked

      wow i never took into consideration what effects it would have on a large tank to immediately drain out the water. maybe 20% should be drained out every 2 hrs?
  21. jasonh_000

    Rescued Gouramis // Tank Size   so i had a coworker who knew nothing about fish and he got a 90 gal fishtank from his daughter along with her other fish. i took a 3 spotted gourami from him because it had fungus and one of his feelers was bit off because..... HE KEPT THE FISH WITH A LARGE MOUTH...
  22. jasonh_000

    What Tanks Do You Recommend?

    this is a great tank: and here is a great small heater for it...
  23. jasonh_000

    Betta And Shrimp

    i dont think they go after them as food. i think sometimes the shrimp moves in a way that makes the betta attack my instict. my blue vt used to do that a lot.
  24. jasonh_000

    I Know Ill Sound Stupid...

    there are some theo heaters with thermostat that are pretty small. please get your fish a bigger tank. one thing you might want to do is get a steralite tub and fill it partially with water. submerge the heater on the bottom with suction cups. then put your smaller weighted tanks into the...
  25. jasonh_000

    Little White Worms In The Water

    i would clear them out just to be on the safe side.
  26. jasonh_000

    Need Help - New Betta & Tank Setup!

    be careful with using bottled water. some of it has important minerals removed. just go with tap water with water conditioner. you really do not need to cycle your tank first. i think 2gallons is too small to cycle anyways. just change 50% of the water every week. i didnt even cycle my 10...
  27. jasonh_000

    Uh Oh... Pregnant Betta?

    you will notice the females will create eggs and either absorb them or plop them out and eat them. this happened with my female betta when i put her in a tank and she was happy with her new environment
  28. jasonh_000

    Good Brand Of Betta Pellet Foods? that hikari betta bio gold has something in it that makes bettas love it. it is the only food my white dragonscale will eat now.
  29. jasonh_000

    What Are Great Tank Mates For Dalmatian Mollies?

    i tried putting mollies in with my betta and he was NOT happy.
  30. jasonh_000

    Which Disease?

    i treat ick by raising the temp of the water and adding sea salt. then i do frequent water changes. i do this with every fish i get from petco. the one by me is infested with ick
  31. jasonh_000

    New Betta Tank

    it really depends on the fish. i think a VT is too aggressive to have shrimp in the tank. mine has got used to his shrimp but he still takes one out just for the hell of it once in a while. he nips at them and they die instantly and he lets them sit on the bottom until a shrimp comes by the...
  32. jasonh_000

    Keeping Male And Female Bettas Together?

    betta dont like company. they are lone wolves.
  33. jasonh_000

    Tank Decorating Ideas

    it should raise the PH a LOT!
  34. jasonh_000

    New To Bettas

    i have been in the habit of keeping my hood lights off. i think it stresses the fish to have them turned on for hours. i have most of my tanks on a metal rack and i have led strips that i use to light that area..
  35. jasonh_000

    Close Enough To Cycled?

    he looks very happy :D
  36. jasonh_000

    Does Your Betta Look Bored?

    i've seen this before. i think it was on a betta site as a free download. i think i've said this before but putting some worms or krill in icecubes and letting the betta chase the cube around and peck at it seems to entertain them.
  37. jasonh_000

    Mollie Lost Eye

    I believe my black mollie has lost an eye. or atleast she can not see out of that eye. the area on her eye is covered in white. at first i thought this was a fungus but now i'm not so sure. it is hard to get a good look at her because she moves so much when i am around. I have her in a 5 gal...
  38. jasonh_000

    Conflicting Answers

    i feed my fish flakes in the morning and 3 pellets when i get home from work. my fish are very active and have 5 or 10 gal tanks, though. betta can go about 2 weeks with no food.
  39. jasonh_000


    i freeze blood worms and krill in ice cubes. then i drop them in and they chase the cube around and peck at it. when it was hotter i would freeze a 1gal milk jug of water and then cut away the plastic and stick the ice in the tank to drop the temp. my fish would rub against it and swim into...
  40. jasonh_000

    Betta Tanks

    that seems okay for a fish store but betta like lower, longer tanks.