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  1. Barb-barian

    The Art Of Snow

    This is spectacular. I love the AT-AT. I wish we could get snow like that where I live.
  2. Barb-barian

    55 Gallon Cichlid Tank

    I have also had success with peacocks and labs.  Its more about the tempera mentality of the fish.  It can be better to crowd the aquarium because this makes it much more difficult for them to set up individual territories and it also helps if one is getting picked on because he or she can...
  3. Barb-barian

    New Member Here

    Welcome! Now I've never kept crabs but I know crayfish need calcium in their diet so they can keep growing new exoskeletons I would expect the crabs to be the same. Hope all goes well sounds like they are happy.
  4. Barb-barian

    Parachromis Motaguensis F1 'red Tiger' Pair With Fry

    Thanks Dave! Those are beautiful fish a real treat to see these pics
  5. Barb-barian

    Convicts In Quarantine

    Congrats! Are you going to raise the fry?
  6. Barb-barian

    Planning A Native Tank

    Crayfish! They are native to the US not sure on Virginia but it seems like it would be. The fish you are looking at can get sizeable so would have to go with the 55g. This is based off research on their wild counter parts so they probably wont get as big but would be a good guess to see the...
  7. Barb-barian

    The Best Way To Catch Fish.

    I also find that slow hearding motions to a desired location, then a burst of speed to catch the fish has worked well for me.  I find the slow motion helps because the fish will keep its distance but not freak out and swim away crazy fast. Then once its in a manageable area go for the win with...
  8. Barb-barian

    Please Help With Aggression Issues In 50G

    More breaks to line of sight will help. Adding in lots of caves and places to hide helps the fish by giving them plenty of places to retreat to.  Depending on how recently you put them in, they may just be sorting themselves out.  Cichlids are notoriously aggressive as I'm sure you know. So any...
  9. Barb-barian

    3 Questions: Fish Suggestions, Tiger Barbs, Storing An Old Tank…

    I keep neons and platys with my tiger barbs no problems.  The only thing that tends to cause problems is how fast the tiger barbs eat but my guys have adapted and come out and get food before the tiger barbs eat it all.  I would bump the number of barbs up to 8 or 10 this seems to make them a...
  10. Barb-barian

    30 Gallon Start-Up Questions

    If you still have that 10g and its un used you can turn that into a sub refugium. Can probably turn that into your own canister filter if you put several flow area and fill them with the mechanical and biological filters.  Would need to buy some piping and a pump but would probably end up being...
  11. Barb-barian

    What Species Of Ram Is This?

    German blues usually have a longer body this could be a hybrid version I have one and the LFS sold it to me as a bubble ram
  12. Barb-barian

    Pregnant Forever?

    I believe they can hold onto sperm from the males for up to 6 months and use that to keep getting themselves pregnant.  Its odd that it would happen so quickly after giving birth. Perhaps she may have held onto some fry just haven't heard of that happening before 
  13. Barb-barian

    Peat Moss As Filter Media

    thank you for your input.  I mostly like the fact that I can make my own filter for about a dollar
  14. Barb-barian

    Peat Moss As Filter Media

    I have this idea that I can switch out the carbon on my HOB filter for peat moss.  I have these sheets of filter sponge that I was going to use as a casing for the peat moss and sew it up so it doesn't go anywhere.  I've read that peat moss will help reduce the pH in my water and since my tap is...
  15. Barb-barian

    My 60G Cichlid Tank Planted....whaaa?!

    Yeah the plan is to get more but I need to up the filtration before I do that.  Wont have the time to build my sump till late spring so will get more fish then.  For now the aggression is minimal and chases don't last for more than a few seconds.  Keeping a close eye on them though.
  16. Barb-barian

    My 60G Cichlid Tank Planted....whaaa?!

    here is a vid i shot for the fun of it
  17. Barb-barian

    My 60G Cichlid Tank Planted....whaaa?!

    they havnt displayed to much interest in eating my plants.  i feed them various veggies and garlic pretty regularly.  im not sure if this helps or not but i only occasionally see them nipping at the vals.  this is actually a twofer for me cause they keep the vals from growing to long lol...
  18. Barb-barian

    Cichlid Tank Stocking Ideas?

    i would second that you would have to go with the real small end cichlids for a 20g.  what you are describing sounds like a Kenyi and i would say they are not on the friendlier side.  Rams would be a good choice for a 20g and i would only stick to a pair of them.  you could get some other fish...
  19. Barb-barian

    My 60G Cichlid Tank Planted....whaaa?!

    what were the problems you ran into? any foresight may help out     yeah so i hear and i see them digging out some caves for themselves.  I got some good rock fortification going so im hoping that will help combat this. 
  20. Barb-barian

    My 60G Cichlid Tank Planted....whaaa?!

    As mentioned in the title its a 60g tank with mostly mbuna cichlids.  I'm experimenting with plants to see if I can get them to work.  I have valisneria and anubias both of which are surrounded by rocks to help keep the cichlids from pushing them around.  The vals are struggling a bit but I...
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  24. Barb-barian

    9 Gallon Planted Betta Tank.

    Thats a great shot of the betta.  You could probably still keep shrimp in there if you wanted.  My girl keeps ghost shrimp with hers.  If your still curious what that plant in the back corner is, I believe it to be anacharis. 
  25. Barb-barian

    Orange Dwarf Crayfish

    Its still a crayfish albeit a tiny one but it will go after things it thinks it can get.  Shouldn't be a problem with most of your fish as long as they are healthy.  It would probly try to pick off any sick or weak fish.  The only fish I'm hesitant about would be the corys cause they are small...
  26. Barb-barian

    9 Gallon Planted Betta Tank.

    looks good i hope your betta is happy in there
  27. Barb-barian

    Ram Mating Ritual Or Fighting?

    thats great man im glad to hear that.  i know cichlids are pretty aggressive when mating so that could have been what was going on and since rams are dwarf cichlids it would make sense they would do it to
  28. Barb-barian

    Canister Maintenance

    Thanks for all the help guys! if anyone thinks of any more tips or tricks i would love to hear them
  29. Barb-barian

    20Gal Long Planted Community Shrimp Tank

    everything looks super great i hope those baby shrimp workout and you get many more =)
  30. Barb-barian

    The Roma 125 Mountain Range!

    Truly spectacular.  Maybe get one of the smaller Plecos so he might hangout on the rock and play as a rock climber lol. 
  31. Barb-barian

    Stocking Ideas Anyone?

    I would think that 3 angles would need more space then a 25g. 2 would probably be safer. Gold barbs might be a nice addition or some cherry barbs.  Stay away from tiger barbs they are big time fin nippers for angles.  Very nice tank. 
  32. Barb-barian

    Diy Sump

    I have access to a glass cutter as well as sheets of glass.  I have an unused 10g tank but I'm not sure if I want to go a little bigger
  33. Barb-barian

    We Are Not Food. We Are Your Friend!

    What size did you buy these guys at? And how long did they take to get that big? Super cool and the pics gave me a good chuckle thanks for that =)
  34. Barb-barian

    Diy Sump

    I was wondering if anyone could link me a good site on how to build your own sump or if you want to tank the time to explain it that would be great too. I have a 60g FW cichlids tank that I would love to set this up for.   I was also wondering if it would be possible to use that sump as a...
  35. Barb-barian

    Supraman's 237 Gal Build

    I'm very happy to hear you found Lexus back.  Hope things start working out better for you
  36. Barb-barian

    Buying A Betta

    Females are a little less common than males but are not hard to find.  They also tend to be less aggressive than the males. Not sure on the mirror part. 
  37. Barb-barian

    How To Bring Out Colour?

    agreed with Ninj on the Water changes.  I find that feeding a couple different things to my fish helps bring out their color.  Like my omnivores get to munch on flake most days but i like to through in some peas or other green veggies some days or some shrimp pellets on other days. its like us...
  38. Barb-barian

    Ram Mating Ritual Or Fighting?

    i have a couple rams and i find that the male chases the female from time to time.  They even will butt heads against each other or go mouth to mouth like you described.  I wouldn't worry if they are looking healthy and you don't see tares on the fins again or missing scales.  What size tank do...
  39. Barb-barian

    Cycling My 40 Gallon Tank - Beginner.

    Not sure on the Ph drop wish i could help    on the cichlids matter though.  I fell in love with mine.  i keep Africans mbunas and they are pretty interesting to watch.  very playful and love to chase each other.  luckily they dont ever do anything once they catch up to the other fish just kinda...
  40. Barb-barian

    Mbuna Tank

    they nip at the vals but they seem to be growing back fast enough to keep up with their consumption.  They have yet to touch the anubias. i spent a little under $20 on plants so if it ends up being a failed experiment so be it.  but im still hopeful it will workout.  It depend on what cichlids...