Search results

  1. gwand

    What are you doing today?

    I grew up in a rural community in the Catskill mountains a couple hours north of NYC. My parents were born in Europe but raised in the Bronx. After they were married they moved from the city to the mountains. I grew up hunting , Fishing and backpacking. However we spent one weekend a month...
  2. gwand

    Where to find fish clubs/shows

    You live near Live Fish Direct, correct? You should ask them.
  3. gwand

    My first fish club meeting

    I hope you’re buying lottery tickets regularly. And I hope you know how to pilot a dirigible.
  4. gwand

    Where to find fish clubs/shows

    I got the fever too. It’s been two years since I cycled my first tank. I found several clubs by googling for fish clubs in my area. There were several all with FB presence.
  5. gwand

    My first fish club meeting

    If I win the lottery I will fly you out here.
  6. gwand

    Sixty Gallon Journal

    Entry #35 The male p pulcher has bilateral proptosis with a cloudy right eye. Water parameters are fine. Maybe an injury. I’m not sure. I added aquarium salt to the water following Colin’s instructions. API Melafix arrives Wednesday. If the eye condition is not improving I will transfer him to...
  7. gwand

    My first fish club meeting

    Here is another club maybe closer to you. In over two weeks, the...
  8. gwand

    Upgrading my 3 gallon to a 10 gallon

    I always test by adding ammonia at a concentration of 1 ppm and then make sure it gets metabolized into nitrate over 48 hours. Better safe than sorry. But still add livestock gradually.
  9. gwand


    That’s fantastic. Congratulations. I want your autograph. 😃
  10. gwand

    Noisy helicopters

    That is a terrible situation. With all the demand for housing, I’m surprised the private sector building businesses haven’t stepped up building homes for sale and apartments for rent. How could building companies go bankrupt when there’s such a demand for housing?
  11. gwand

    Bilateral Eye Disease Question

    Thanks. If salt doesn’t work and I progress to antibiotics do I house the injured fish in a separate tank away from the other fish?
  12. gwand

    Bilateral Eye Disease Question

    My wild caught male p. pulcher has bilateral eye enlargement with the right eye being cloudy. The female pulcher is not affected, nor are any of the other fish in the 60 gallon tank. Ammonia and nitrite levels are zero. Nitrate is 5-10 ppm. I ordered antibiotic that will arrive Wednesday. My...
  13. gwand

    Noisy helicopters

    I had the same problem when we first moved to Baltimore in 1983. We lived in a neighborhood with a fair amount of crime. Helicopters hovering all the time. The only solution we found that worked was moving to another neighborhood.
  14. gwand


    I saw that in the movie theater when I was just a mere child.
  15. gwand

    🐠 TOTM VOTE NOW: December 2024 Tank of the Month Contest (16 Gal and smaller)

    Ten gallon tetra tank established November 2022. Plants: Anacharis Elodea Egeria Densa, Amazon Swords, Anubias, Java Fern and Moss Ball Fish: 6 White Cloud Mountain Minnows and 8 Emerald Dwarf Raspora. Tetra 20 gallon Whisper HOB filter Nicrew LED lights Mixed gravel, Rocks and Ceramic Caves...
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  18. gwand

    Tank hunt

    Do you leave tank in tub overnight or longer.
  19. gwand

    Tank hunt

    When you leak test do you fill the tank all the way?
  20. gwand

    Breeder Tank Journal

    Entry #2 I purchased an Aqueon 29 gallon tank on sale for $49 today. I will pick the tank up tomorrow. I ordered an aquarium stand, Aquaclear 30 filter box, 25 lbs of black sand and a fluval digital heater from Amazon. The equipment will arrive next week.
  21. gwand

    What are you doing today?

    We only live once! Go for it.
  22. gwand

    What are you cooking?

    We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my son and our west coast cousins. Fantastic meal capped off with apple and quince pie topped with ice cream. Tomorrow morning we fly back to Maryland. On Saturday it will be 20 degrees. Burr. But I will be inside tending to my five tanks that have been on...
  23. gwand

    What are you cooking?

    OMG! No turkey on Thanksgiving! That’s a first for me. lol.
  24. gwand

    What are you cooking?

    I hope there was some turkey and cranberry sauce on those hoagies today 😄
  25. gwand

    What are you doing today?

    The stuffing is coming out of the oven right after this post. It smells quite good. It will travel along with the salad to east LA where dinner awaits.
  26. gwand

    Breeder Tank Journal

    Entry #1 I do not have a breeding tank, but I have several species of fish I would like to breed. I only have 30 inches of wall space left in my fish room. Given this limitation, I cannot go with a 40 gallon breeder. I decided to purchase a 29 gallon, 30 inch long tank. I am thinking that the...
  27. gwand

    is this that rare murderous African Blue Tetra???

    That’s one nice fish.
  28. gwand

    Anyone have any experience with sleep paralysis and/or seizures?

    How did you pick 20,000 IU? I have never seen a capsule greater than 5000IU.
  29. gwand

    What are you doing today?

    The tartness of the green apple is a good counter balance to the richness of the sausage and pecans. I hope! 🤞
  30. gwand

    What are you doing today?

    I am planning the type of recipe I will use for my Thanksgiving stuffing. I usually cook the entire holiday meal except for dessert. However this year I am a guest and was assigned stuffing and salad. So I’m thinking cornbread stuffing with sausage, green apples and pecans. For the salad I will...
  31. gwand


    Welcome Fishy102. Where are Fishy100 and 101?
  32. gwand

    My first fish club meeting

    Since entering the hobby two years ago I have never attended a fish club meeting. Yesterday I joined Aquarist Society of Central Maryland. The group is having a meeting on December 15. There will be chances to swap fish and purchase merchandise. Apparently vendors help underwrite the cost of the...
  33. gwand

    Changing gravel

    I bought 50 pounds of pool filter sand on Amazon for $12.
  34. gwand

    Anyone have any experience with sleep paralysis and/or seizures?

    too much vitamin D can elevate the blood calcium level and cause kidney stones among other disorders.
  35. gwand

    Anyone have any experience with sleep paralysis and/or seizures?

    Speaking as a physician I can tell your fun fact is incorrect. The recommended dose of vitamin D3 depends on factors such as age, health status, geographic location, and specific needs. Here are general guidelines from health organizations: Daily Recommended Intake Infants (0–12 months): 400...
  36. gwand

    Scientific Aquatic Discoveries

    I agree. But it is only recently that the nerves that carry the pain signal were identified in invertebrates.
  37. gwand

    Ph levles

    What fish are in the tank? What is your GH? GH is more important than pH in most cases.
  38. gwand

    Scientific Aquatic Discoveries

    Alpha males are protected.