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  1. M

    Moving with African Dwarf frogs

    Thank you for all of the advice! It is very helpful
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    Moving with African Dwarf frogs

    Due to unforeseeable circumstances, I have to unexpectedly move (3 hours away). I currently am the owner of two African dwarf frogs and 1 betta. I know that this move will be stressful for them and I want to do anything I can to make it more comfortable so I have a few questions. What can I do...
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    Fish Sick. Possibly graphite??

    Early this morning I noticed that my betta fish had a grey streak going across the side of his body that was not there before. My fish was also laying on the bottom of the tank at one point breathing very heavily. From research I have done it looks like it could possibly be graphite but I am not...
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    Dropped my betta fish on floor!

    I have recently purchased a new betta fish and while i was getting ready to put him into his new aquarium he jumped out of the cup he came in and fell about 4.5 feet onto hardwood. I immediately picked him up and put him into his new aquarium. I am concerned that the impact of the fall may have...
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    Top fin Readistart Nitrifying Bacteria Starter

    Thank you so much for your help! I have testing kits for ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite. How often should I do these water changes? and ammonia levels would be deemed as harmful to my betta?
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    Top fin Readistart Nitrifying Bacteria Starter

    Will this still work if my filter has dried?
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    Top fin Readistart Nitrifying Bacteria Starter

    It is a brand new tank that i purchased today, so the filter has only been running for a few hours. Unfortunately I can not use my old filter cartridge as it is not compatible with my new filter.
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    Top fin Readistart Nitrifying Bacteria Starter

    I just purchased a larger tank for my betta fish (switched from a 5 gallon to a 10 gallon) and I had to do a 100% water change since my fish had just recovered from fin rot and the medication I used was not suitable for the live plants I put in his new tank. Since I had to do a 100% water change...
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    Switching from spring water to tap water

    My tank is 5 gallons and I was originally doing a 25% water change once I week but I am going to increase that. The parameters of the different waters are - spring water: 0 - NO2 (nitrite) 0 - NO3 (nitrate) 7 - pH 120 - KH (carbonate hardness) 120 - GH Tap water: 0 - NO2 (nitrite) 0 - NO3...
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    Switching from spring water to tap water

    I’ve been using spring water for my betta fish for as long as I have had him (since September) I am finding it hard to keep up with buying enough spring water to make frequent water changes as i do not have a car. Would it be hard on him to switch over to tap water at this point? He currently...
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